So in the honour of the dearly departed 10th and the soon to be reigning 11th, I refer you to the following blogs and links.
Start here with a great retrospective of the series' many, many logos. I spent an hour plus refinding this link so you can bet I'm gunna post it everyfuckingwhere! "Doctor Who logos retrospective" nice analysis too.
Here's a simpler one from The Guardian without the witty commentary.
And this one, in the Wikipedian style box featuring the current incarnation in the centre.
For the record the 1974 variant immediately below, from the 4th Doctor's era, is our favourite and the official favourite of HERESY.

From the commentary: "Making it blue binds it definitively with the TARDIS. That TARDIS won't be part of the design again until the latest effort."
And with sounds, there is of course Youtube wankery. We like the following video homage though it comes short (2009), I like the blending of the various theme music.
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