Thursday, November 26, 2009
Q:"What sort of spending would you like cut?" A:"All of it. ALL of it."
And let's be clear here it is more than just the average stupidity of people, indeed it is the tu quoque fallacy to merely to argue, "Oh well, you'd see stupid liberals/Obama supporters/left-wingers too" yet not address the underlying problem: Sarah Palin is anti-intellectual, anti-science and cultivates the ignorance seen above. Even John McCain countered such blatant xenophobia during his campaign.
Citing from the poster's sidebar on YouTube: "no politician has emerged on the national stage as undefined and unqualified as Sarah Palin, and her public persona--which is anti-intellectual by definition--discourages substance. Instead, we get winking. One could hardly imagine her giving a complex speech about race in America, or speaking eloquently about our country's relations with Islam. Not just because she couldn't write such a speech (Obama has speech-writers, of course) but because she wouldn't--such necessarily academic discussion is antithetical to the persona she's created for herself and that her supporters have come to love."
And to save y'all from having to read the damn thing read Neil Macdonald's review of Going Rogue on CBC instead.
I think it is interesting that the gentleman in the camo/hunting clothes is lamenting the end of American Exceptionalism. Perhaps I am far too left-wing to understand, but when one nation dominates another, or all others, that's a hegemony and tends not to benefit the world but that nation all but exclusively. Why would that ending be a bad thing? Oh yeah. Americans.
(I love how my spell checker finds both "Palin" and "Obama", yet not McCain, to be incorrect.)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Embedding disabled by request: The Fake Scandal of the Copyright
This is wonderful. Even more so since the fake scandal over the "accidental" release of Lily Allen's cover of Britney Spear's "Womanizer", available here: Embedding disabled by request (or not). I do think, however, it is perhaps noteworthy that the original "accidental" copyright-infringingly released version is less produced and thus better. What's the word? It's almost sincere.
How crass and disingenuous.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Best. Mr. Deity. Ever.
I love how P Zed Myers gets credited as PZ "Zed" Myers. You know this O Constant ListenerZ, I called him that FIRST! Listen to the back episodes.
The final joke (with the banana) is an allusion to The Atheist's Nightmare "unintentional creationist humour" of Kirk Cameron and the Way of the Master.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Cthulhu on High
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn... Not anymore. It seems he's up and about. And much shorter than I imagined.
In offer this image in the true spirit of l'Action de Grâce or [Canadian] Thanksgiving.
"Transparency: The Rise of Atheism in America"
Okay there are a heap of issues with the interpretation of the very raw unqualified data, but I like the info graphic and the the atheist as the buxom bartender is actually kinda witty. At least the image is pretty?
(Brought to my attention by the amazing Pharyngula master himself, P Zed Myers. But from here originally.)
Dan Choi should run for something as he is technically unemployed.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Bitchy Androids, Bitchier Actors who play them
In a recent interview with Kenny Baker (R2-D2)I also mentioned, as Quote of the Week, the nastier Daniels comment that appeared on Wikipedia and mentioned that it had further been extracted therefrom. I'm too lazy to crawl through the innards of the talk page. But the expurgated version is here.
INTERVIEWER: Did you get on with fellow robot actor Anthony Daniels?
KENNY BAKER: Not really. I thought it was just me he didn't get on with but recently I've found out he doesn't get on with anyone. He's been such an awkward person over the years. If he just calmed down and socialised with everyone, we could make a fortune touring and making personal appearances. I've asked him four times now but, the last tiime, he looked down his nose at me like I was a piece of *beep* He said: 'I don't do many of these conventions - go away little man.' He really degraded me and made me feel small - for want of a better expression. He's rude to everyone though, including the fans.
Has C3PO turned to the dark side?
Okay, I'm a little too obsessive. The edit is after the Revision as of 19:51, 16 September 2009

Arising from Episode 8: Linguaphiles attend
How awesome are these images? Really, The Scream? The Doom Spikes are an instant fail because I love them and totally would want to visit.
(From the article here. A more detailed look at the subject is here complete with more amazing images and thoughtful passages many of which I read on the Podcast.)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Jumping to the good stuff. Well not really. The #1 and my personal favourite:
Go here and read the rest of the list.1. The Da Vinci Code: Title. The Da Vinci Code.
Leonardo’s surname was not Da Vinci. He was from Vinci, or of Vinci. As many critics have pointed out, calling it The Da Vinci Code is like saying Mr Of Arabia or asking What Would Of Nazareth Do?
The Heresy Québec Review of the Marilyn Manson concert in Ottawa
I think Lynn Saxberg is a bit harsher than I was in my evaluation. Perhaps it is because I actually enjoy Manson's work and "art" (if you will). To a point. The concert opened late, but solidly with "We're from America",... and then spiralled into one of the most poorly orchestrated spectacles I have had the misfortune to attend. My beloved sister had described the Edmonton show to me and had lead me to hope that it might improve. I was really looking forward to his encore of Patti Smith's "Rock N Roll Nigger" a standard in his recent tours. (I love how McCoy can't even properly use the word "nigger" and has to instead write "n**ger" cuz changing the name of the song and replacing letters just makes all those years of slavery and oppression just melt away.) There was no encore. It seems as though the entire tour was lurching into the banal space of post-rock mediocrity and more importantly, from my myopic perspective, that the Ottawa show was the worst of the lot.
Upon exiting the Scotia Bank Überdome (or whatever the fuck it is called) I was struck by the fanboys and their overheard wankery: "That was so awesome!" And the perhaps more adulterated, "Well, at least he came to Ottawa." To the drooling first dyad I wanted ask, "Were we at the same concert?" I chose not to on the grounds that they were likely 13 and had no basis for comparison. I was reminded of the line from the Dayglo Abortion's "Black Sabbath", "he'd probably love me if I pissed on his face..." (Although the fan wankery is reversed there, the principle applies.)
I think even the over abundance of police were bored. Clearly their time was wasted in preparation for the rioting that just doesn't ever seem to happen moral panics be damned.
Mr. The Engineer made an excellent (and telling) observation: Tori Amos' performance was actually more transgressive. Perhaps that is the most salient point here. When a balladeer is more transgressive and much better an entertainer over all then perhaps the shock-rocker needs to fade back into obscurity and count the money received from residuals.
W o t W: Twee (p, s)
But somehow in my editing tonight (January 15th, 2010, 04h35!) I deleted the fucker and am too tired to rewrite it. For now.
This serves as it's placeholder. Hopefully I'll remember and fix it. I'm mildly OC so prolly I will.
[Insert negative comment disparaging the Monster that is Hello Kitty here.]
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
An essay on Bisexuality, as presented by the Best of Craigslist
Then one day the sushi is a little stale and the bisexual remembers how hot dogs are different. She didn't have that problem with hot dogs, at least not that she can remember. Eating hot dogs was easier and less complicated. The lesbian does not start to crave a hot dog when this happens. The lesbian knows she only likes sushi, so even though it got stale, she is still focused only on the sushi. She wants the sushi to get better, because she knows really great sushi is hard to find. The bisexual won't try as hard to figure out why the sushi got stale. Sooner or later she will do what is easier. She will go out for a hot dog. There are hot dogs on every corner and she knows she'll have a few to choose from soon enough. Perhaps she will just have hot dogs for a long time or will try some hot dog rolls or sushi dogs. This is why I prefer lesbians. The only problem is that they may go out for some completely different sushi, thinking that the new sushi will be different. But at least they are aren't out eating hot dogs.
I love how it ends with:
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Can anyone really be surprised?
SRSLY. Can anyone really be surprised when a neo-con stalwart starts a mercenary company and then together they do reprehensible things? Now let's be clear here: you can't exactly "go rogue" when you are fucking mercenaries. It is what it says on the tin. The question here is how neo-cons who thought that professional soldiering was not sufficient and decided that hiring mercenaries answerable only to their employers would be a good idea. And: How are they going to spin it to the public? They really didn't. I never really got the impression that outside of Iraq and reactionary liberal blogs like this one, there was much awareness of a) what Blackwater was b) who it consisted of c) what they did and d) Oh By The Way, mercenaries. (Wherein mercenary is perhaps not harsh enough.)
Here's a nice solid from Salon discussing the Blackwater founder, Erik Prince from sworn statements:
Erik Prince, may have murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals who were cooperating with federal authorities investigating the company. The former employee also alleges that Prince "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe," and that Prince's companies "encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life."
Fuck Prince. What a disgraceful human being. But who knows, it has yet to be proven. However, again let's be clear here, he is the founder and owner of a MERCENARY COMPANY. What is the business of mercs? It is to murderize and business is good. Apparently. As a heretic, I am, however, even more disturbed by the crusading bits. What to tart up your sociopathy Mr. Prince.
My original source seems to have disappeared. But it was here. Fortunately there are others. And having multiple sources on any topic is always important and academically sound. See also here. But I guess I have a little bit of a pause because saying bad things about what mercs do is almost like saying nothing at all. Thuggery and murder is where they live; all part of the job.
However, the charges are specific (link to the declarations made by John Doe 1 and John Doe 2) and more disturbing than the standard merc horribleness. Hopefully Blackwater and Mr. Prince will be examined thoroughly by the legal process, although I am sceptical. It seems now at least that something is being done about US Federally funded thuggery. Disturbing(er?) charges have been raised; if they are truly actionable I hope the fuckers get prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But I'm exceedingly dubious that will ever happen. Here's hoping also that Messrs. Doe and Doe don't magically disappear and/or "meet with accidents."
Monday, August 3, 2009
W o t W: Milkomeda (S)
"Milkomeda", as coined by TJ Cox and Abraham Loeb.It is (of course it is!) a delicious portmanteau of Milky Way (our home galaxy here on Heresy) and the Andromeda galaxy which is rapidly careening into us at breakneck spead. Eventually Andromeda will collide with the Milky Way and after some settling period, some casual dating on the galactic scene, they will merge into one ugly ass merged galaxy, hence "Milkomeda." As Phil Plait the brilliant Bad Astronomer says: "I suppose Andromeway sounded too much like the name of some sort pf pharmaceutical." I think it would sound more like a less harsh version of mace by which members of the male gender can be repelled ("Andro-away", no?).
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
W o t W: Grue (S,P)
"Grue" a linguistic term used to replace colour words in languages that do not distinguish between green and blue.See for reference the discussion of colour in linguistics. A good survey is here at the Font of all Wisdom and Knowledge.
This entry gets a nod for semantic (it is a purely semantic construct; not really even a proper word) and the phonetic. And it is a portmanteau. O how we love the portmanteaus!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
W o t W: 猪头 Zhu tou "Pig head" (S,P)
"豬頭" (traditional characters; 猪头 simplified characters; in pinyin: Zhūtóu; in English "Pig head") in Mandarin is a commonly used insult.Although not an expletive per se it does have a similar sense to the usage of the English word "bastard" which is frequently used between friends but is not remotely appropriate with non-intimates or one's employer.
My dearest friend, Hung Pei-hsin, referred to me almost exclusively as 大豬頭, or Big Pig Head.
For more fun with Mandarin expletives and slang go here for a list of transliterated and translated Mandarin expletives. I also tried here (Insultmonger/Swearsaurus) but the link seems to be dead. However, I also highly recommend the English Wikipedia page here or here for 中文 (Zhōngwén) (the Chinese language article). (Nous adorons aussi les sacres québécois d'ici, bien sûr! En anglais d'ici.)
(There's also this blog post which ends with a good list with the simplified characters and translations and (with a scroll over) transliterations into pinyin...but the context of the list is a rather puerile absolutist Free Speech RAWKS! screed. Just scroll down or don't bother with it. More expressions, although not necessarily expletives are listed here on a webpage detailing the Chinese used in the film Serenity and the programme Firefly. Kinda fun, but with nerdiness and citations.)
謝謝 (谢谢)
Technical Difficulties Continue
Further interviews to come include with a pornographer originally from Québec, and an anglophone anthropologist who just finished a post-doc at UQÀM, and a United Church Minister well known to us at HeresyQuébec. Here's hoping things improve that we may indeed have those and other interviews in episodes to come.
We're very happy that our listenership has peaked the solid 1 or sometimes even 2-digit mark. Thank-you for your support, I'm flattered you like our little show. We hope to continue to be worth your time until such time as well sell out, become derivative and you hate, hate, hate us.
Until then, here's the Quote for This Week:
"[T]he mask don't go on until the dwarf is in the can." ---Anthony Daniels expressing his disdain for costuming and apparently his colleague, Kenny Baker.
Salut, à la prochaine fois.
Legal to Lie; the Death of the Barefoot Bum's blog
Sadly, the blog's sidebar reads: "The blog is closed for good. I will not reopen it. Browse the archives as you please, but it's all useless bullshit."
Pat Condell's take on Feminist issues around proposed Burqa Bans.
I like his headhunter analogy. But again the issue that strikes me is choice. Many, many people object to transvestism, or goth children, or [insert your garishly dressed oft-reviled sub-culture of choice] and ridicule them for marking themselves differently as to invite their own scorn. So?
I don't buy that All Muslims Everywhere Hate the West and Everything It Stands For (cuz you know, grandiose statements aside, what does the West even agree on categorically anyway?) ...but even if they do, so what? I know many disaffected and marginalized groups within society consisting of members of the dominant hegemonic ethnicity and gender who hate their own culture viciously. Isn't the freedom of conscience large enough to cover the disaffected?
But he's right, Feminists. (Cuz we all how uniform and identical and interchangeable feminists are... ugh). But point taken, the burqa is misogynistic: humanist feminist cultural crtitics, you've dropped the ball.
(I can't believe in the earlier post I spelt burqa with a "K" (burka!) rather than with the greatest of letters, "Q," since B-U-R-Q-A is a valid alternate in English and preferred in French! One Quick edit later and all is well. ---BBY)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
La Fête nationale du Québec; Technical Difficulties; Vive Québec
Here's where it becomes nice and grey. Religious clothing in the pubic sphere is the clear intersection of religious and state rights. Those who want to make the state and public sphere entirely secular are advocating that the burqa not be allowed. That is key. The advocates of the burqa are a small subset of French Muslims. However, once again, the ones who suffer either way will be the women. Either side is dictating the choice of women. How do we in the liberal west address the question of choice?
(Source Yahoo News, Canada)
We heretics also love the Barefoot Bum. Here is a recent blog post on "Religion and killing." Doesn't get much more heretical than BB; nor does it get more readable. Barefoot Bum lives here.
TECHNICAL difficulties:
We here in the HERESY QUÉBEC secret location are currently suffering from technical difficulties. It seems that we should not have accepted the doctrine of Intelligent Falling: our main processing computer had problem with mean old Mr. Gravity. "Episode 8: Linguaphiles attend" (and thus subsequent episodes are delayed). Sorry. I just hope that the really great interview we had is not completely dead as our HERESY computer.
On the occasion of La Fête nationale du Québec / St.-Jean Baptiste, bonne fête tout le monde!

Saturday, June 13, 2009
W o t W (June 13, 2009)
"Mondegreen" as coined by Sylvia Wright in her essay "The Death of Lady Mondegreen," which was published in Harper's Magazine, November 1954.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Episode 007 - Posted
You can download this episode.
(Right Click > Save As)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Watchable, mais... (my review follows)
Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'
* * *
"Trekking for Stars"
So I didn't hate STAR TREK (2009). It was beautiful, actiony, explody, sexual, pretty, glossy, dark, Romulany. Much like eating a meal of ice cream, it may at first seem like a really good idea, but then you get the feeling that, perhaps it was a bit excessive. And you feel a bit full. Then sick. And then you remember, you don't really like ice cream all that much and you are lactose intolerant.
Edit. Qqv. P Zed Myers' more eloquently put analysis of Star Trek (2009).
Did anyone notice the interior design of the Romulan ship? Funky weird platforms with no guardrails suspended over a huge empty space. Only the Mario Brothers could like that layout.Ha! "Mario Brothers" indeed. And Roger Ebert's:
[The] franchise has become much of a muchness. The new movie essentially intends to reboot the franchise with younger characters and carry on as before. The movie deals with narrative housekeeping. Perhaps the next one will engage these characters in a more challenging and devious story, one more about testing their personalities than re-establishing them.Wait for the next one, eh? Neither read as glowing endorsements.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Episode 007 - Works Cited Page
Episode 7: Poe's Law
The wonderful super mega awesome opening music is Jonathan Coulton's "Skullcrusher Mountain," a sad song about unrequited love between a mad supervillain and the object of his affection who seems to be less than enthused by the number of ponies murdered to construct a monstrous hybrid pony beast as a present. Thank-you Mr. Coulton, thank-you to the brilliance that is Creative Commons.
We recommend you go here:
●NESS/Skeptic's Guide to the UniverseBlogs:
●Science with Dr. Karl on Triple J
●Sunday Night Safran
●Savage Lovecast
●Atheist Experience
●Jonathan Coulton (primer)
●PharyngulaThe theme for today's episode is what is known popularly as "Poe's Law". For those of you in the know that means we're going to be talking about religious extremism today. Since my training is religious studies foremost, I feel quite comfortable addressing this topic at length.
●Bad Astronomy
The Urban dictionary is a fun project and has a good definition of Poe's Law here.
1. Word of the Week:
L'esprit d'escalier
Good definitions can be found here & here.
Denis Diderot (1713 – 1784)

and l’esprit d’escalier. Here & here & and here.
The Book for this Week is:
The Portable Atheist edited by Christopher Hitchens.
Quote for this Week
The Atheist Experience.
Before quoting the Bible to atheists, always ask yourself whether the same statement would be just as effective in your mind if you were quoting Captain Kirk.Which can be found here.
3. Les Nouvelles
Extreme positions are dangerous and they abound. Here are some recent headlines:Edward Current is available at. In particular, we recommend the video "God Only SEEMS Nonexistent!" Enjoy:
● The CNN: April 30th, 2009 Churchgoers more likely to back torture, survey finds
● AFP: April 30th, 2009 Saudi 8-year-old granted divorce.
● CBC: April 30th, 2009 Evolution classes optional under proposed Alberta law.
● AFP: May 5, 2009 Man stoned to death in Iran for adultery.
● GayCityNews: April 30, 2009 Iraqi Gays Face Gruesome Torture/ Murder Technique
● Bad Astronomy: Oprah drinks the antivax Kool Aid
● (There are also more stories on anti-science and anti-vaccination throughout the Bad Astronomy blog such as here which is particularly disturbing, upsetting (as it should fucking be!) and a good one on the flu/washing your hands.
Pat Condell lives at. In "Islam's war on freedom" Mr. Condell's usual acerbic wit as gone in favour of angry polemic here:
#1 Extremism in Islam.
#2. Jack Chick. He Who Makes the Tracts.
Here is a good collection of them on Islam:I refer you specifically to the "article" that has the gall to talk about Muslim fallacies:
●On Allah. Where did he come from?
●On Allah as a Sonless Moon God.
●On Errors in the Qur'an.
If the Qur'an is the infallible Word of God, then it stands to reason that it would not contain factual errors of science. By "factual errors" we mean errors that can be physically examined . . . Many Muslims believe in the Qur'an as a blind leap of faith. They really do not care if it is filled with mistakes and contradictions . . . The more closed minded they are, the more fanatical they become in their religion. When ignorance unites with arrogance, fanaticism is born.#3. Ms. Palin, another fundie. Sarah Palin has links to Joel’s Army, “is an apocalyptic movement of 'hyper-charismatic' preachers that claim to have a divine mandate to physically impose Christian 'dominion' on non-believers during end times.”
#4. Father Robert Barron on Bill Maher’s Religulous is available here:
I Quote: “these poor people . . . if he really posed these serious questions to serious people who’d know how to respond to him. But he just knocked down strawmen. ...It was just line up stupid people.”
Father Robert Barron’s proper page is
#5. P Zed Myers v. Roger Ebert as inspired by the "lovable" Ben Stein.
Myers v Ebert
Ben Stein and Expelled or better yet here for their well deserved trashing.
Myers calls bullshit citing the problem with Poe’s Law:
Imagine if, in 1729, there had been a number of letters to the editor by various authors proposing that Irish children be exterminated and eaten. Imagine that laws of that nature were being seriously debated in Parliament, and that one of the parties had made it a part of their platform. While the laws were being regularly defeated, opponents still had to stand up and seriously debate why it was unethical to eat babies. Imagine that a candidate for prime minister actually solemnly suggested that we ought to at least consider the merits of eating Irish children. . . .
That's Ebert's mistake. He presented a plain statement of creationist beliefs with satirical intent, but that intent cannot possibly be seen in a world where millions say exactly the same things with sincerity. Does Ken Ham have invisible quotation marks around the AiG Statement of Faith? No. Was the Wedge Document an amusing practical joke by the Discovery Institute? No. Is Sarah Palin pulling the entire nation's leg when she attends her speaking-in-tongues, young-earth-creationist, End-Times-worshiping church? I wish.Ebert gets the Post-post-script here:
Let me suggest that while satire was certainly my purpose, creationists were not my intended audience. By stating their beliefs accurately, my hope was that on a site such as mine they would reach a wider readership that might have heard about creationism but didn't realize what it actually believes. Only 4 percent of Americans are creationists. Do you have any idea how many Americans don't know what it teaches? I don't. I know the original article was linked far and wide, which is encouraging.
podcast at b e a r dot s t
I am also on Facebook, Brendan Bao-Yi. As is our Heretical fan page, which is currently craptacular because I am the one who put it up. Salut, à la prochaine fois.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Christopher Hitchens v. Sean Hannity
Doing the tour of the talk shows, flogging his book, God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Hitchens shows Hannity to be a fool.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Episode 006
This is Episode 006 of our podcast, titled "We are All Fucking Immigrants"
Play in Mp3 Format
You can download this episode.
(Right Click > Save As)
This weeks interview is with Melanie the Library.
Born and raised in Alberta, Melanie obtained a Bachelors Degree at the University of Calgary in Philosophy. She then proceeded to obtain a Masters in Library Sciences at McGill University in Montreal. Currently Melanie is working as a consultant for an information technology firm in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. There she works with a diverse set of clients, helping them with their information organization need. Apparently, not everything is sorted by the Dewey Decimal system, or so she says.
Melanie doesn't have a blog or website for us to link to yet, so we will display this XKCD comic about librarians instead.
The following list of links are our works-cited or additional reading related to this episode.
- The Onion:Immigration: The Human Cost
- Calque on Wiktionary
- Blag Hag: Review of The Professor And the Dominatrix
- Law is Cool: The Honorable Jason "Pork chop" Kenney Blames the Immigrants
- YouTube: Republican's "Diversity" Convention
- YouTube profile: JasonKenneyMP
- Law Is Cool: Defunct Reform Party's Immigration Platform
- Enough of the Multiculturalism, Bring on the Melting Pot
- Joe.My.Blog:XenoPhoboQuotable - Rep. Betty Brown
- The Onion: Most Popular U.S. Baby Names
- Cyberpresse: De nouvelles obligations pour les immigrants >> [ENGLISH]
- Immigrer:Un nouveau contrat d’intégration pour les immigrants>>[ENGLISH]
- Canoe: Un «contrat» pour les immigrants>>[ENGLISH]
- Stephen Harper's Hidden Agenda
- Family Guy Quotes: We've been Cancelled
- [Petition]: Tell Parliament to Restore the CBC via
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Most Popular US Baby Names as Presented by the Onion
I mentioned this in Episode 6: We're all fucking immigrants. Well Mostly as a counter to the xenophobic screed of Texas State Representative Betty-I Can’t think of an Ad Hominem Right Now–Brown:
"Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese — I understand it’s a rather difficult language — do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here. Can’t you see that this is something that would make it a lot easier for you and the people who are poll workers if you could adopt a name just for identification purposes that’s easier for Americans to deal with?” - Texas state Rep. Betty Brown, speaking to a member of the Organization Of Chinese-Americans. She refuses to apologize.
When I read that quote posted in Joe.My.God, I was reminded THE ONION "content node" which you see to above. Having lived and worked in Asia, I can attest that the adoption of insipid “English” names for the simplicity of dealing with the West is really, really common. It appears the fact that Chinese-Americans would have the gall to retain some of their ethnicity and heritage with Chinese surnames clearly bothers the fuck out of Representative Betty-I Can’t think of an Ad Hominem Right Now–Brown.
How dare they?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Works Cited Page "Episode 5: Resurrection?"
The Rapture, currently sitting at 6.6/10 on IMDB and 72% on Rotten Tomatoes is surprisingly relevant. Maybe Mimi Rogers’ best performance? Some of the more interesting lines follow.
Angie: Have you heard the word of God? It's the greatest gift of all time. You have to trust completely in God. He'll forgive you of all your sins.
Sharon: Who forgives God?
Randy: Sharon, it's just a drug. You're in pain. Instead of doing heroin, you're doing God.
[last lines]
Sharon: Forever.
There is a fair film review by Don Willmott here at
Another good one from, "Not coming to a theater [sic] near you":
The Rapture:
This, do know, is but one of the film’s revelations, and analogizes the film with other depictions of verified paranoia (They Live, The Matrix, Terminator), but unlike these thematic similarities, religion is The Rapture’s blatant agent of faith (it is much more ambiguous in the aforementioned films), which the film is designed ingeniously to question. Late in the film, in sudden and intense anguish, Sharon fires the remaining rounds in a revolver directly into the air; the gesture illustrates the film’s angered and unsatisfied interrogation. The film culminates in the word “Forever,” and ends with a tragic image of permanence, followed by a silent credits scroll. [ Italics mine].
News story links:
Mom's plea deal includes 'resurrection clause'
Mother Starves Son for Resurrection Experiment
"'Child-witches' of Nigeria seek refuge"
Mary is a pretty five-year-old girl with big brown eyes and a father who kicked her out onto the streets in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. Her crime: the local priest had denounced her as a witch and blamed her "evil powers" for causing her mother's death.
This Week In Holy Crimes
James Lunney, Asshat:
James Lunney v. Evolution
Nanaimo Daily News
You can send your thanks here to Mr. Lunney's very own website. Tell him what a bang-up job he's doing and his views clearly reflect the mores and values of Canada.
Via the BBC: the Death of Dave Arneson (see also the BBC on the death of Gary Gygax).
The Order of the Stick (episode 644)
XKCD (episdoe 202)
Liō by Mark Tatulli
The discussion I had with Mr. Tatulli regarding a recent, less than stellar, issue of Liō follows. I titled it, "Thank-you for using the macron, it's just cooler that way." The link above is to the issue of Liō discussed. It was weak and kinda gay. It bugged me because I love the comic and felt something needed to be said. So I found myself an email address and sent it out to the creator and writer of Liō. And this is what I wrote:
Dear Mr. Tatulli,
Thank-you for the creation of such a wonderful surrealist, minimalist comic strip in Liō. I have heard that it has some detractors they are clearly unable to appreciate subtle, smart humour and whimsy.
I think very highly of Liō. It is my current favourite comic and I consider it in the company of other great comics like the also brilliant webcomic XKCD. And the successor to the narrative of the weird lives of a little boys as depicted in the long retired Calvin and Hobbes.
I love the surreality; love the giant squid; love the sweet creepiness of Liō himself; and his healthy relationship with his father (the instance when his father renamed his lunch items was touching). I like allusions to the world and the magical realist and science fiction plots.
So When I read the most recent issue I was just disappointed. A lame gay joke. A limp wristed, light-in-the-loafers robot singing showtunes. You can do so much better.
Sincerely a fan,
He replied. Like hours later. I was quite surprised.
Thanks for the feedback, Brendan...
The joke to which you refer has nothing to do with "gay" has everything to do with showtunes. I happen to love showtunes and that is primarily the only thing I sing when it comes to karaoke night. But I always get the same reaction...much rolling of eyes and people staring dumbly with a look that says, "is he serious?"
So you see the joke is about the social-stigma attached to showtunes, and how strange it would be for LIO, who know doubt expected this robot to start marauding, to suddenly break out in "If Ever I would Leave You" from CAMELOT.
Thanks for writing!
I see his point, but my critique still stands and here's why:
In sci-fi all robots are male as evidenced by the way female robots are males with breasts (and sometimes hair and/or girl colours and/or big eyes and/or curves...). The splayed fingers, tilted wrist, raised foot are the stereotypes of drag when done by a male. Because, Tatulli is working with a visual medium he must chose everything that goes into every panel. Relying on stereotypes as conventions work because they convey heavy messages with simplicity. let me use an example that is relevant and possible in the weird and wonderful world of Liō: Liō finds a giant sized mixing bowel full of what looks like meringue or whipped cream. He jumps in, has some fun and climbs out. Because of his weird cow-licked hair, he comes out covered in white, with a conical shapped head and two blinking eyes. Not a good choice of image--although entirely plausible within context--just not a good choice because of the offensive ideas that such an image would carry with it.
However, despite what he says his intention was ---satirizing the contempt people have for show tunes--- what he has created is easily read as being satirizing flaming homosexuals. I love a good gay joke, this wasn't a good gay joke.
I always suspected that Liō, being one of the freaks, would either be homophobic (conflicts between various factions of losers and outcasts can be vicious) or hang out with the gay kids (it can also bring solidarity). Panel by panel we see the following: Gay robot. Cause of gayness the wrong software (what does that imply?). Angry kid (Why is he angry?). Mocking Radio Shack employees (such things still exist?), having played a gay joke on the weird kid. Nice.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Episode 004

Part 1
download mp3
Part 2
Interview with Jacob Romero of the band "Trips and Falls"
download mp3
Show Notes
Music by "Trips and Falls"
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Episode 003 Released
- Rip! A Remix Manifesto - National Film Board
- A Short History of Progress - Google Books
- Collapse - Google Books
- Guns, Germs and Steel - Google Books
- Definition of : Ammoniacal - Merriam-Webster
- Ideas - CBC Podcast
- Detroit's Beutiful, Horribl Decline - Time
- BLH's Tour of Chaernobyl - GRcade
- After Bible Siezed, U.S. Group Refuses to Leave Chinese Airport - CNN
- Proposal at U.N. rights council to criminalize 'defamation of Islam' -UNWatch
- U.S. to Sign UN Gay Rights Declaration - Joe My God
- UN Peace Talks and Battlestar Galatica (goto March 17th) - UN
- Canada's science minister's evolution position worries scientists - Digital Journal
- Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory - The Onion
- Canadian Science Minister update: kinda. - Bad Astronomy
- I've got irony poisoning! - Science Blogs
- Global crisis 'to strike by 2030' - BBC
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Episode 002 and 002a Released
Episode 002
Episode 002 part 2
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Episode #2 Delays
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Episode 001 Uploaded
Engineer here!
We have finished authoring the first episode, of our podcast, so check it out! I am still working out kinks with the feed and website so hopefully everything runs smoothly. Please post any questions you may have here or on our pod bean page.
Here are the links to items that were mentioned in the show.